Friday, May 20, 2016

Beach Glass

Bits of color on the beach- who doesn't feel like treasure has been found when finding a piece of smoothly worn beach glass?
A Cheryl Troyan Pelis photo of a piece of beach glass from my hometown of Riverhead.

This week's square celebrates the most precious color of beach glass there is - purple!
The colors we're using are Homespun Petunia Stripes and Vanna's Choice Eggplant for the centers of our four corners. The HS version is more tropically colored, while the VC version is definitely more coast of Maine!

The HELP I did for this one is done with the VC, the better to see where the stitches are.

 The color changes incorporate what you've learned so far, both the fasten off and attach a new color, as you did with the Multi Granny and the travelling that you did in the Full Granny. The stitches are in different combinations, but they are stitches you know. And, as always, it's one stitch at a time!

If you are behind, you'll be happy to know that next week it's one square only- the center of it all. There is a slight difference  between the HS and VC versions- the HS version has a moon and the VC has a sun. This will give you a chance to catch up- or maybe not.... since the corners here will finish off the top and bottom rows (see your construction chart!) I'll show you how I'm joining. Don't want anyone to have idle hands!
Here is the link for the pattens, the help, and the construction diagram......

Remember, Life's a Beach!

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